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Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Course

Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Course

On May 4-5, 2024, the Azerbaijan Society of Cardiology (ASC) hosted the European Association of Preventive Cardiology's course on "Prevention and Rehabilitation of Cardiovascular Diseases." The event, supported by the Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB), was held at the New Clinic medical facility. The course directors, Rahima Qabulova, Ana Abreu, Deputy Executive Director of TABIB Araz Nasirov, and ASC President Ulvi Mirzoyev, inaugurated the course with their speeches. They highlighted the significance of hosting scientific association events from abroad in our country and commended the efforts aimed at improving the quality of medical services.

The course featured presentations from invited speakers from countries such as Portugal, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Ukraine, Turkey, Georgia, and Kazakhstan, as well as local speakers. The event emphasized the management of risk factors, the importance of a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and psychological factors, providing cardiologists with knowledge on patient management strategies in line with the latest guidelines. The course also included clinical case-based and plenary discussions, offering participants extensive opportunities for learning and experience exchange.

This prestigious event did not go unnoticed by foreign participants. Physicians from Russia and Kazakhstan also attended the course as participants. The training was directly translated into the native language.

You can watch the performances at the event at the link below.

