Əsas səhifə Xəbərlər National Research Session


National Research Session


The Azerbaijan Cardiology Society has announced the submission of abstracts for the National Research Session, a traditional part of the scientific program of the 13th National Cardiology Congress, to be held on December 13-14, 2024, within the framework of the Cardiofest event. The top 5 abstracts will be presented orally in a special session. You may send your abstracts to the email congress@akc.az by December 5, 2024, specifying "Abstract" in the subject line. Abstracts not submitted via email will not be considered or reviewed by the Scientific Committee.

Abstracts should be prepared in the specified format.

Recommended font settings: "Times New Roman", 12 pt.

Maximum word count for abstracts: 300 words.

The title should be written in uppercase letters without abbreviations. The authors' names and surnames should be listed on the following line. The structure of abstracts should follow the order of "Objective," "Materials and Methods," "Results," and "Conclusion."

The title and purpose of the study should be as concise as possible. Tables, graphs, and images are not allowed in the abstracts.

The top 5 selected abstracts will be published in the next issue of the Azerbaijan Journal of Cardiology.
